Direct Bank Transfer
BANK: Piraeus Bank
Beneficiary: European Cars & Travel I.K.E.

Bookings made through European Cars, are made using Stripe. Stripe is one of biggest financial SaaS. With Stripe you will pay with your credit card but we don’t have access to your card credentials. So we assure you one of the most secure method of payments.
PayPal is a service that provides security in our online shopping and money transfers in general. It is essentially an online account in which we deposit money and use it for our online transactions. For each of our bookings, instead of entering our bank account information, we enter Paypal account information. This makes sure we send our decrypted information to the websites we want to send money to. With Paypal we ensure that we do not fall victim to disaster and avoid using our bank account details that you may think are risky and unstable.